
Expand MonTel Web Topics
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       Western Australian Daylight Savings Time changes for 2006
      Collapse Older or superseded topics
          Day Light Savings in the Year 2000
          MonTel 'Slammer' worm (non)vulnerability.
          Daylight savings reverts to normal for 2001
          Use of the DOS User Module
          MonTel ServerCN Version Information (Windows 32bit Console version of the MonTel Server)
       Serial Port Status line of the MonTel Server
       Serial Port hand shaking in the MonTel Server
      Expand How the telephone exchange system communicates to your PABX and some important notes about call costing
       Changes to the PABX.INI file created by EdUser 3.0
       What does Abort, Retry, Fail and Ignore mean (and how does the MonTel server handle it).
       How is the Local Client database named and other issues
       The Windows 32bit Console MonTel Server
       When to update MonTel.
       How to run update the MonTel Server to run as as a Service on Windows 2000
    Deleting Clients
    Call charging accuracy
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Expand MonTel Version 2.12 Reference
Expand What is Telephone Extension List (Ext32) ?
Expand TZUtil - Time Zone Utility documentation
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