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Day Light Savings in the Year 2000

SUPERSEDED (in the 32bit version - see TZUTIL)

We don't have Daylight Saving in Western Australia but I understand the following for other States in Australia:

  • Daylight Saving ends at 3am on Sunday 26 March 2000. Clocks should be turned back one hour to read 2am (Australian Eastern Standard Time).
  • Generally, "summer time period" means a period starting at 2am on the last Sunday in October in each year and ending at 2am on the last Sunday in the following March.
  • However, this year, daylight saving will start much earlier (on 27 August 2000 ) in NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and ACT (but not SA) to assist the Olympics.

To correctly record and display the time in MonTel, the PABX.INI file should read from 3am on Sunday 26 March 2000 (for Sydney and Melbourne): TimeZone=EST-10

And in WA: TimeZone=WST-8.

Over summer (for Sydney and Melbourne) TimeZone should have been EST-11. Please make sure that this is changed in PABX.INI and the server restarted.

MAKING THIS EASIER FOR YOU: The MonTel server should have new settings to allow for automatic changing of time and date for daylight savings by 27 August 2000. Updates will be available for those on a current maintenance program before then.
