SUPERSEDED (in the 32bit version - see TZUTIL)
We don't have Daylight Saving in Western Australia but I understand the following for other States in Australia:
To correctly record and display the time in MonTel, the PABX.INI file should read from 3am on Sunday 26 March 2000 (for Sydney and Melbourne): TimeZone=EST-10
And in WA: TimeZone=WST-8.
Over summer (for Sydney and Melbourne) TimeZone should have been EST-11. Please make sure that this is changed in PABX.INI and the server restarted.
MAKING THIS EASIER FOR YOU: The MonTel server should have new settings to allow for automatic changing of time and date for daylight savings by 27 August 2000. Updates will be available for those on a current maintenance program before then.