This topic applies to MonTel Client Version 2.3 beta onwards.
Eduser32.exe is a cut down version of a forthcoming tool to make life easy when editing the PABX.INI file. No more struggling with NOTEPAD.EXE!
Most features remain the same. In addition, both the 16 bit version and 32 bit versions of MonTel can operate with out these changes. However, older versions of Show Extensions 2, will be unable to view extended user information, instead showing on the the User Name and Extension and "FullUserDetails" information has been moved. (You can update to the latest version of both the 16 and 32bit version from the Netwiz Web site.
The details in the [Program] section remains unchanged, except for EditIniVersion which is automatically added when the file is saved from EdUser32.exe. You need to add this entry and set it to 3.0 to allow the new versions of Show Extensions 2 to be able to use the new PABX.INI format.
A [Departments] section has been added. The [Departments] are listed in the same way as the Servers, and like the servers each department can have a more detailed name. The list of the Departments corresponds to a list of department codes, that when referred to by other parts of MONTEL programs will substitute the when the full department name is required. And option to DisplayDepartmentName is included for Extension List (Ext32) . A DefaultDepartmentCode, is substituted for any users that does not expressly include a (DEPT) entry.
Departments = "AUDIT", "TAX", "INS", "IT", "CCG", "CONSULTANT"
DisplayDepartmentName = 0
DefaultDepartmentCode = ACCOUNTS - SUPPLIERS
AUDIT.Name = "Audit"
TAX.Name = "Taxation"
INS.Name = "Insolvency"
IT.Name = "6"
CCG.Name = "CCG"
The [Servers] section remains unchanged except that each server now has a ServerDefaultDepartment which will over ride the DefaultDepartmentCode from the [Departments] section in supplying a default for each user - where each user has a specified server.
The [Users] section is where most of the changes have taken place. ShowExtensionHeader, is used by Ext32 (Extension List) to display more information about each user, or to change the description or title of the column header. Each entry is separated by a coma, and includes a Key (in brackets), and the header name. For example: ShowExtensionHeader = (User)Login Name, (Ext)Extension, (Dept)Department, (Full)Full Name
You can add more keys (and header names) to the standard settings, which can be displayed in Telephone Extension List (Ext32) . For example: (MOB)mobile phones.
User Entries
Previously each user had to be specified in the USERx = UserName section, and then repeated below with UserName = ..., and looked like this:
USER1 = John, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
USER2 = Administrator, 260,(dir)Admini~1, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
USER3 = Local, 101, Users Directory, AdministratorOff, ReceptionOn,
(DEPT)ReceptUSER4 = ALICE, 242, (DEPT)Admin
USER5 = BOB, 243
USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT,
John = 99, "Linklater, John", "Monitor Business Machines", "Installer"
NAMEMORETHAN8 = 227, "NameMoreThan8, DOS Server", "MonTel Server", "Supervisor"
LOCAL = 101, "USER3, Local", "Demo Company Pty Ltd", "unknown"
ALICE = 242, "Smith, Alice", "Demo Company Pty Ltd", "Senior"
BOB = 243, "Smith, Bob", "Demo Company Pty Ltd", "Senior"
The information from this second section has now been moved to the USERx line using the same format as (DIR)Directory, for the directory of a long users name (because the DOS MONTEL server does not support long file names).
So this information would now look like this
USER1 = John, 99, "(DEPT)Monitor Business Machines", "(FULL)Linklater, John", "(DES)Installer", AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
USER2 = Administrator, 260, "(DIR)Admini~1", AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
USER3 = Local, 101, "(DEPT)Admin", "(FULL)USER3, Local", "(DES)unknown", ReceptionOn
USER5 = BOB, 243, "(DEPT)Demo Company Pty Ltd", "(FULL)Smith, Bob", "(DES)Senior"
USER6 = David, 99, "(DEPT)DEVELOPMENT", AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
Format of the Each User slot
Each of the entries USER1 ... users are call LICENSED USER SLOTS, and follow the format of: USER# = Logon name, Extension plus a number of options all separated by a comma between options.
The options are of three types:
Firstly a Key in brackets followed by an entry. The standard key and entries are:
Secondly Server options:
Thirdly security options
A sample list of entries changed by by EdUser32 (as a subset of a PABX.INI file
AllowOnlyAdminToUseMontel = 0
MonTelExitMessage = "Test message"
EdIniVersion= 3.0
Servers = LOCAL, FS1
ServerDefault = LOCAL
LOCAL.ServerDefaultDepartment = "AUDIT"
LOCAL.UserAddsUserNameToPath = "1"
LOCAL.UserHomeDirTruncatedTo = "0"
LOCAL.NetworkOperatingSystem = "Windows NT"
LOCAL.CreateNewUserDirectoryIfNeeded = "1"
FS1.ServerDefaultDepartment = ""
FS1.UsersHomePath = "C:\MONTEL\DEMO\USERS"
FS1.UserAddsUserNameToPath = "1"
FS1.UserHomeDirTruncatedTo = "0"
FS1.NetworkOperatingSystem = "Netware 3.12"
FS1.MainDataPath = "C:\MONTEL\DEMO\MAIN"
FS1.CreateNewUserDirectoryIfNeeded = "0"
FS1.OutputUsersPath = "C:\MONTEL\DEMO\USERS"
FS1.OutputUsersPath = "C:\MONTEL\DEMO\USERS"
Departments = "AUDIT", "TAX", "INS", "IT", "CCG", "CONSULTANT"
DisplayDepartmentName = 0
DefaultDepartmentCode = ACCOUNTS - SUPPLIERS
AUDIT.Name = "Audit"
TAX.Name = "Taxation"
INS.Name = "Insolvency"
IT.Name = "6"
CCG.Name = "CCG"
ShowExtHeader = "(DEPT)Department", "(FULL)Full Name", "(DES)Description", "(MOB)Mobile Phone", "(COY)Company", "(EMAIL)Email Address", "(DIR)Directory"
AutoSetupEmployeeDetails = 0
FullUserDetails = 1
ShowPrimaryExtensionsOnly = 0
IgnoreTheseUsers = "FAX"
USER1 = David, 733, "(DEPT)IT", "(CODE)TEST12456789", "(FULL)Morris, Mr David", AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn