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Topic creation date:2009-06-23

For version 2.12.22 onwards

The is a reference export filter for MonTel. System developers who need to have a standard import format for transactions from MonTel should use this filter and format.

In the [export] section of the PMA.INI file, ExportFilterName needs to be set to Montel.mef.

General PMA.INI file settings

The MatterClientRelationship and other details should be set to match the relevant external accounting or cost recovery system. Otherwise these values are suggested.

PmaKey = 11
PMASystemLongName = "MonTel generic import filter"
PMASystemShortName = "MONTEL"

The PMASystemShortName is not currently being used, but is kept in for reference.

WidthOfClientCode = 20
WidthOfMatterCode = 20
WidthOfGeneralCode = 20


The format is Comma Separate Values (CSV). line by line with carriage return and line feeds separating lines. There are two layouts, the short and the long format. The short layout features just the key fields:


Depends of the value of UseEmployeeCode in the [system] section of the PMA file, but defaults to EmplyeeCode if UseEmployeeCode=0
The client or matter code, depending on which is primary.
The client, matter code or blank, depending on the presents of a secondary linked code.
The disbursement code.
The disbursement cost.

The long layout is a superset of the short layout.


Note that some items are duplicated. To enable the long layout, see the ExportReportFormat table below.


ExportReportFormat is found in the export section of the PMA.INI file. Setting ExportReportFormat will allow the following modifications to the export. ExportReportFormat is a bit field format, allowing multiple options by adding up the values in the ExportReportFormat column.



If the a field has the value "(None)" then the field is exported as blank.
Filter out all characters other than &'-./= and spaces, Alphabetical upper and lower case and Digits.
If the disbursement code is blank then don't export the record.
Export a header line with every run.
Export the long layout.
