We Need:
Following is a list of the fields in these reports used in MonTel.
Fields preceded by an exclamation mark (!) must be present.
Fields listed are used by MonTel, and should be included where possible.
Fields in square brackets ([]) are not used by MonTel at this time but should be included in anticipation of likely updates.
Fields in curly brackets ({})should be included only for completeness, and may or may not be used by MonTel in the future.
Other Fields can be included and Netwiz will write the input routine to read these but no process (they may be included in future versions).
Employees: !Employee Code, !Full Name, Partner Code, [Department], {Group Code}, {Grade Code}, {Category}
Disbursements: !Disbursement Code, Description, [Department], {type}, {Rate}, {Charge %}
Client Matters: !Client Code, Client Name, !Matter Code, Description, Partner, Manager, [Department]
Clients: !Client Code, Client Name, Father Code, Partner Code, Manager Code, {Office Code} , {Area Code}, Contact Name 1, Contact Name 2.., Contact Name...N, Address, Alt Address 1..., Alt Address ...N, Phone Number 1, Phone Number 2.., Phone Number ...N, [Department]
Activities: !Activity Code, !Description, [Department]
Contacts: !Contact Name, Address, Alt Address 1..., Alt Address ...N, Phone Number 1, Phone Number 2.., Phone Number ...N, Partner Code, Manager Code, Client Code 1, Client Code 2.., Client Code ..N, [Department]
Ideally, this would be formatted in some fixed way such that the same fields were is the same place of each record. An alternative might be to specifically name the fields. MonTel can associate any number of phones numbers and addresses with Clients or Contacts.
For the Exporting we need to have:
A sample of a disbursement report that would be acceptable to the PMA system, preferably in native format.
MonTel can export anything from its database but a typical export might be:
Date, Client Code, Matter Code, Cost, a Note such as "Phoned on 17-Aug-1998 12:16 PM by Mr K R Foggo"