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Used by: Client, Server.

Version 2.12.1 Onwards

Max length: 8 characters


CostingSystemName = ANNP

This setting tells MonTel which type of telephone call costing system to use. The choices will expand in the future. Currently they are ANNP for the Australian National Numbering Plan, and NANP for North American Numbering Plan.


Used by: Client, Server.

Max length: 80 characters


LocalAreaCode=02, 612

A list of area codes that might be inserted in front of a local call number in a database (sample shown for Perth). The first code must be the standard STD (Australian) area code. This is an add on to attempt to match databases that might store local numbers with STD or IDD prefixes.


Used by: Client, Server.


LocalNewPrefix = 9

A list (like LocalAreaCode above) of new prefixes added when Australia converted to 8 digit numbers. This is only an add on to attempt to match old databases. It works by sequentially stripping the prefixes off the number dialled to see if it can get a match against the old number.


Used by: Client, Server.

Version 2.12.1 Onwards (replacing MonTelRateTableFile)

Max length: 8 characters


DefaultRateTable= "tbcomp"

A rate code file name is used by the MonTel server, and parts of the client to calculate the rates that should be applied to a phone number.


Used by: Client, Server.

Comma delimited file names (up to 24 entries)

2.12.2 (??) onwards


TrunkRouteRateTables = tbcompq, tbcomp, tbcomp, tbcomp

This entry matches a rate code file or tariff file or code against a trunk route in order as specified by the TrunkRouteKeys setting. If TrunkRouteKeys is not set then the tables are associated with trunk routes 1,2,3,4 and so on up to the number specified. If any or all of the items are left blank then the rate code specified in MonTelRateTableFile is used.

For a trunk route of unknown or none, or a value higher than the maximum allowed, the MonTelRateTableFile is used.


Used by: Client, Server.

Max length: 4 characters each (up to 24 entries)


TrunkRouteNames = "T01, T02, T03, T04, T05"

A trunk route name is a 4 character string of text that describes a trunk route (a group of phone lines) as seen by the PABX. These are generally exported as digits, and MonTel uses the values here to match the numbers.

By default the (when the entry is blank) these values are mapped like so: "ISDN"=1, "PSTN"=2, " - " (None) = 0, "INT " (internal) = 26, "IDAT" (ISDN data) = 24, "INTD" (Internal data) = 25, and "ukwn" (unknown) = -1 (which would indicate an error. Other values are either displayed as numbers or as "ukwn".

On some systems (hard coded in the MonTel PABX drivers) the first two must be "ISDN, PSTN". You may elect to change the description of any of the others or add more if additional trunk routes are used. For example, "ISDN, PSTN, FAX, PRIV" might indicate, that your organisation has ISDN and PSTN main lines, as well as a separate group of Fax lines, and a private hot line. Some PABX systems do not export any trunks route information. In this case a good setting would be "Line, Line" if trunk number are displayed. If no trunk numbers are displayed or the call record (e.g. internal call) has no trunk number then " - " will be displayed instead.

TrunkRouteNames (on supported drivers) will translate these values starting with 1 and working through to 24. You can also map larger values by replacing this ordinal value with an alternative list of numbers. See TrunkRouteKeys. By default, these values map to 1,2,3,4 and the rest, as exported by the PABX. The value 0, is generally shown as NONE. In the example shown above, the values ISDN and PSTN have been replaced by T01 and T02.


Used by: Client, Server.

Value range 0-999 (up to 24 entries)


TrunkRouteKeys = 60, 2, 45, 144

Many if not most PABXs or Telephone systems export the Trunk routes as low digit numbers counting from 0, typically 1 for ISDN and 2 for PSTN (or a similar combination). However, others may use relatively arbitrary values, e.g. 0 and 60, or may be programmed with arbitary values for the trunk routes. Since there is a maximum of 28 entries than can be matched to these values in TrunkRouteNames this setting provides a way of mapping the values. The default is 1,2,3,4. (The first key value of 0 is used to map to NONE).

So if the trunk route 60 was ISDN, then the example above would map correctly to the default TrunkRouteNames setting.


Used by: Client, Server.


TrimPrefix = ""

A list of prefixed codes (digits) to be stripped from the PABX output when calculated the cost of the call.


Used by: Server.

Server Version 1.2.174 onwards


IgnoreHashAndNumbersAfter = 0

When selected this option will force the MonTel Server to truncate a phone number at a pound of hash character '#' or a a star or asterisk character '*'. Thereby deleting the hash or asterisk and any characters (digits) after it.

This has been included to increase a privacy and security, rather than for database integrity. A user may not realise that personal banking details such as their PIN may be revealed when using a PABX phone. Note that usually such services require other digits to be entered before pressing the '#' key, so use of this option is will only improve chances of capturing just the phone number rather than guarantee it. See TruncateToLengthInRateCode for another option.

From version 2.12.0 of MonTel

As and additional measure to increase a privacy and security the default has changed from 0 to 1.


Used by: Server.

Client Version 2.10.8 onwards


TruncateToLengthInRateCode = 0

When selected this option will force the MonTel Server to truncate a phone number at the length specified in the rate code. If the length s not specified or is 0, the number is NOT truncated.

Like IgnoreHashAndNumbersAfter TruncateToLengthInRateCode has been included as a privacy option, rather than for database integrity. A user may not realise that personal banking details such as their PIN may be revealed when using a PABX phone.


Used by: Server.


DoNotDisplayTrimedPrefix = 0

Strip the prefix from all display and storage as well, if set to 1.


Used by: Client.


MarkupMultiplier = 1.0

A setting of MarkupMultiplier = 1.x will allow mark up of phone call costs (appearing in the info box only). 1.1 is a 10% mark up, 1.5 is a 50% mark up, 2.0 is a 100% mark up an so on.


Used by: Client.


ShowLocations = 1

If this is set to 1 then the info box in MonTel for windows will display a location of the destination of the call.

(This feature was not supported in Version 2.9. It is now supported fully in Version 2.10).


Used by: Client, Server.


IgnoreAOC = 0

If set to one then Advice Of Charge (AOC) information from phone systems receiving ISDN (or even PABX based) costing information will use the MonTel costing system instead.

The default is 0 (meaning use AOC).


Used by: Server.


ShowCallInfoStatusInServer = 1

If this is set to 1 then the server will display a status message for each call, including type of call and destination (location) in a message in the Server.


Used by: Client.


MinimumDurationForPopup = 24

If this value is greater than 0, then Notify will not popup if the duration of the call is less than this number of seconds in duration. 24 is a good average for the length of a ring out. Use this if you users are reporting pop ups for calls that were not answered.

Please also see: Some important notes about call costing.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.10.0 Onwards

Either: 0 or 1.


UseHashIndexFile = 1

There is not enough memory in the DOS 16 bit Server to be able to load all of a "MonTel Number File" into memory, so a secondary Hash Index File is used instead. This setting has been included so that HashIndexFile can be used in the 32bit version as well. This might be useful in the event that loading the "MonTel Number File" take too long over the network, or the computers are very low on memory (that would be very very low).


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.10.0 Onwards

Value range 0-999 (up to 32 entries)


AccouuntCodesKey = 60, 2, 45,144

These are the numeric values to which Alpha Account codes are matched. See AccountCodes. This works in the same ways as TrunkRouteKeys are mapped to TrunkRouteNames.


Used by: Client, Server.

V2.10.0 Onwards

Max length: 4 characters each (up to a total of 128 including commas and spaces)


AccountCodes = "ACCOUNTS, IT, ADMIN, A4, A5"

An Account Code is a item of text in the AccountCodes field. These are mapped to an account code key (match by order), so that Account codes exported by a PABX in Alpha rather than digits can be matched to a digit so they can be stored or output in the MonTel Call record file(s) (PABXDCR.DAT).

See also TrunkRouteNames for an explanation of the mapping.
