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Topic creation date:2010-03-29

detcms.mif is a bespoke filter for NSW DET.

This filter takes 4 input files that are a combination of user and cost centre information, and pre-loads the data in these files into an temporary SQLITE Database. While in the pre-load phase the normal stop and control actions cannot b performed.

The filter then proceeds to operate normally to proceed the database and extract COSTCENTRE CODE (Client), EMPLOYEE and PERMISSION (activity) information.

General PMA.INI file settings

PmaKey = 15
PmaSystemNotes = "Created manually for ParsInCn"
PMASystemLongName = "DETCMS"
PMASystemShortName = "DETCMS"
UseEmployeeCode = 0
MatterClientRelationship = 2

The Import section must specify following entries:

ImportFilterName = "detcms.mif"
ImportIniFilePathName = "C:\MT_PARS\Apps\filter.ini"
ImportIniFilePathName contains a the location for a file that should be named FILTER.INI. This file has a section named 'MultiFile'. There are four required entries. [MultiFile]
UserImportFileOne = "C:\MT_PARS\data_in\Staff.ati"
UserImportFileTwo = "C:\MT_PARS\data_in\ActiveDirectory.csv"
UserImportFileThree = "C:\MT_PARS\data_in\CostCentretable.csv"
UserImportFileFour = "C:\MT_PARS\data_in\wesxver1test.csv"

UserImportFileOne contains the existing monitor STAFF.ATI file.

UserImportFileTwo contains a list of lattice and logins, in the format:


UserImportFileThree contains cos centre information in the following format. Note the leading and trailing quotes.

"Cost Centre,Description,Department"

UserImportFileFour contains links from lattice (user) to up to six cost centres in the following format:


The primary cost centre becomes the default for that user.

The AutoImport section in PARS.INI must have the following entries:

AutoImportEmployeeFilePathName = "PRELOAD"
AutoImportPrimaryLinkFilePathName = "PRELOAD"
AutoImportActivityFilePathName = "PRELOAD"
ClientTypeName = "Cost Centre"
EmployeeTypeName = "Employee"
ActivityTypeName = "Permission"


As this is a bespoke filter there are no options.
