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Topic creation date: 2009-04-20

For version 2.12.20 onwards

This filter imports from a CSV file exported by PCLaw.

The two allowed imports are clients/matters and Employees. Other types of import are ignored.

ImportFilterName needs to be set to "pclaw.mif".

General PMA.INI file settings

The MatterClientRelationship should be set to 1 (MUST_HAVE_MATTER) or 11 (MUST_HAVE_MATTER_AND_CLIENT + MATTER_FIND_CLIENT), as this filter is for an law firms which are matter (job code) centric.

In the PMA.INI file the [System] section settings are:

PmaKey = 9
PMASystemLongName = "PCLaw Billing and Accounting Software"
PMASystemShortName = "PCLAW"

The PMASystemShortName is not currently being used, but is kept in for reference.

WidthOfClientCode = 20
WidthOfMatterCode = 20
WidthOfGeneralCode = 20


The Client/matter import file is expected to be a standard CSV file with each lin containing one record in the following format:

"matter code","client code"

The filter will process the records in a different way depending on the MatterClientRelationship setting. Generally, the primary link is a matter (or Job code).

The Matter code will have a matter description of "'matter code' 'client code'", that is both items separated by a space. The client code will be "Client Code", and Client name will also be "client code".


If ImportReportFormat is 256 (or 512 or 1024 or 4096) then the LDAP import from active directory. See How the LDAP import works for importing users.
