Topic creation date:2008-08-16
DMON4.MIF is designed to be used with the SuperVISor Net ODBC MBMNetODBC.dll version ImportReportFormat (in the import section of the PMA.INI file) bit4 (+8) must be set to use this filter.
This filter use an ODBC connection to link to the Monitor Faircom Database, which requires the DSN (Data Source Name) is specified. If AutoImportFilePathName is set then the filters will use this as the DSN. If AutoImportFilePathName is blank then ImportDSN field in the [import] section of the PMA.INI file is used as the DSN. ImportFileDSN in the [import] section is not used for this filter.
In he PMA.INI file [IMPORT] section ImportFilterName needs to be set to "dmon4.mif"
General PMA.INI file settings
In the PMA.INI file the [System] section settings are:
PmaKey = 4
PMASystemLongName = "Monitor Business Systems"
PMASystemShortName = "MON"
The PMASystemShortName is not currently being used, but is kept in for reference.
WidthOfClientCode = 21
WidthOfMatterCode = 21
WidthOfGeneralCode = 21
The width of string fields should be set to 21.
Matters and Clients
If the MatterClientRelationship (in the system section of the PMA.INI file) is logically 'and'ed with 4 (CLIENT_FIND_MATTER) or MatterClientRelationship is logically 'and'ed with 2 (MUST_HAVE_CLIENT) then the filter treats the import as an import of clients, and will populate the client fields. Otherwise the filter populates the matter fields.
In either case the Monitor "secondary" table fields:- Number, Name, Department, "Price code" are used to populate the client or matter field as outlined above. If a number starts with '!' it is ignored. The following table shows the mappings for the "secondary" or Monitor secondary database:
Monitor secondary database import mapping table
Faircom ODBC |
Supervisor (Monitor) |
MonTel |
Number |
Secondary Number |
Matter or Client Code |
Department |
Secondary Department |
Department |
Name |
Secondary Name |
Matter Description or Client Name |
Price Code |
Secondary Price Code |
ChargeCode |
Locked |
Secondary Locked |
Terminated |
Text Field 1 |
Secondary Field 1 |
Phone number |
Text Field 2 |
Secondary Field 2 |
Partner in charge or matter |
Text Field 3 |
Secondary Field 3 |
Worker or manager in charge or matter |
If 'Price Code' = 9 then ChargeCode = 1 meaning that this is an Admin code, otherwise ChargeCode = 1, meaning it is a normal chargeable code.
ImportRecoverConcatenatedClientMatters, ImportOrderSecondaryThenPrimanry, and ImportClientMatterSeparatorCharacter are all in the import section of the PMA.INI file. MatterClientRelationship is in the system section of the PMA.INI file.
If ImportRecoverConcatenatedClientMatters=1 then DMON4.MIF will look for a separator character defined by ImportClientMatterSeparatorCharacter (or a '.' by default), and separate the Secondary Number and optionally the Secondary Name in to matters and clients. The order of this depends on the MatterClientRelationship with the CLIENT_FIND_MATTER bit set the first item is the Client, and with MATTER_FIND_CLIENT bit set the first item is the matter. To swap the order set ImportOrderSecondaryThenPrimanry.
If MatterClientRelationship is les than 3, that is set to either MUST_HAVE_MATTER or MUST_HAVE_CLIENT with no linking to a MonTel Secondary, then DMON4.MIF will not import the MonTel secondary matter or client.
Disbursements are populated, naturally enough, from the Monitor "Disbursement" table using the Number and Name fields. If a number starts with '!' it is ignored.
Activities are also populated from the Monitor "Disbursement" table using the Number and Name fields. If a number starts with '!' it is ignored.
Employees are populated from the Monitor "Prim" table using the Number, Name, ID, Department. The following table shows the mappings for the "prim" or Monitor primary database:
Monitor primary database import mapping table
Faircom ODBC |
Supervisor (Monitor) |
MonTel |
Number |
Primary Number |
Pin Number (if ImportReportFormat bit 5 is set by adding 16) Employee Code (if ImportReportFormat bit 5 is not set) |
Department |
Department |
Department |
Name |
Primary Name |
Full Name |
ID |
Primary ID |
Login Name |
Text Field 1 |
Field 1 |
Employee Code (if ImportReportFormat bit 5 is set by adding 16) Pin Number (if ImportReportFormat bit 5 is not set) |
Text Field 2 |
Field 2 |
Directory (if different to login name) |
Text Field 3 |
Field 3 |
Other settings as raw entries in comma |
If a number starts with '!' it is ignored. Other settings:
There are optional fields and can be changed and added, in the same way as the Monitor Field 1 et al.
See also the users section of the PABX.INI file.
ImportReportFormat (From the import section of the PMA.INI file) |
Bit value |
Add this number |
Default value see the Monitor primary database import mapping table and Monitor secondary database import mapping table above. |
0 |
0 |
Department becomes 'Extension Number' in MonTel. MonTel Department is blank. |
1 |
1 |
Primary Number is copied to Pin Number as well as Employee Code. |
2 |
2 |
Primary ID becomes Employee code as well as Login Name, and Number becomes Pin Number. |
3 |
4 |
This bit value must be set to use this filter to enable fields beyond Primary ID in the Monitor primary database import mapping table, and beyond Price Code in the Monitor secondary database import mapping table. |
4 |
8 |
Primary Number is copied to Pin Number and employee code is is copied from Text Field 1. |
5 |
16 |
The user directory (use only if different from the login name) is copied from Text Field 2. |
6 |
32 |
Other settings as raw entries in comma delimited format to be appended to INI file is copied from Text Field 3. |
7 |
64 |
With this setting Disbursements are only imported if they are marked as "Send to Terminals" (downloaded) to reduce clutter in the MonTel drop down. Codes that should be marked are at least, Telephone, Courier and Mail. |
8 |
128 |
LDAP import only. Import users from Active directory. |
9 |
256 |
LDAP import only, search entire Active Directory tree for users, not just the 'users' folder. |
10 |
512 |
LDAP import only, ignore users who are not in the either the MonTelUsersGroup or MonTelAdminGroup |
11 |
1024 |
LDAP import only, import users even if they don't have a telephone number entry in Active Directory. |
13 |
4096 |