Used by: Client, Server.
Max length: 80 characters
NameOfOrganisation = "Abcdef Pty Ltd"
The NameOfOrganisation setting is provided at the time you purchase MonTel, or under some circumstances as a time expired demonstration key. This value cannot be changed without causing MonTel to fail on start up, and is linked to the other settings in this section. This needs to be entered exactly (including spacing and capitalisation) as on the Licence agreement.
Used by: Client, Server.
Max length: 80 characters
LocationOfSite = "Nedlands"
The LocationOfSite is provided at the time you purchase MonTel, or under some circumstances as a time expired demonstration key. This value cannot be changed without causing MonTel to fail on start up, and is linked to the other settings in this section. It is used to distinguish various branch offices, especially if the offices are in the same city.
Typically the value is the suburb in which the firm using MonTel is located.
Generally it is a unique description of the location of the specific site using the software. This needs to be entered exactly (including spacing and capitalisation) as on the Licence agreement.
Used by: Client, Server.
Version 2.12.1 onwards
Max length: 3 characters
SateOrProvince = "WA"
The national abbreviation for the state or province. The example above could be Western AUstralia or it could be Washington, depending on which country it is in. In North America this will always be two characters. In Australia up to three.
Used by: Client, Server.
Version 2.12.1 onwards
Max length: 80 characters
Country = "Australia"
The country or nation in which the MonTel site is being run.
Used by: Client, Server.
Version 2.12.1 onwards
Max length: 24 characters
SiteTelephoneNumber = "0893968340"
This is the office telephone of the site that is running MonTel number. This telephone number needs to include the national but not international area code. It must be a geographically based number telephone number. (Not VOIP or mobile for example).
In the United States this is a 10 digit number that begins with the three digit NPA ara code. The long distance prefixed 1 should NOT be included.
In Australia this number included the national area code, so for example, in Perth or Adelaide you would include the 08.
Used by: Client, Server.
Version 2.12.1 onwards
Max length: 80 characters
AdminContactEmailAddress = ""
This is the main email contact address for the organisation. It should be the person who is ultimately responsible for the control and direction of the MonTel system. This email address can be changed from time to time, however this may require the generation of a new license key. Netwiz may use this address to advise of important updates and security matters. It will not be disclosed to third parties in line with the NEtwiz privacy policy.
Topic creation date: 2008-11-03
Used by: Client, Server.
Version 2.12.10 onwards
Max length: 128 characters
NetworkDomain = "NETWIZDN"
This is the name of the domain, without a trailing backslash that would be compatible with Windows NT 4.0 onwards.
Used by: Client, Server.
NumberOfUsersAndExtensions = 5
The NumberOfUsersAndExtensions value is provided at the time you purchase MonTel, or under some circumstances as a time expired demonstration key. This value cannot be changed without causing MonTel to fail on start up, and is linked to the other settings in this section.
This value limits the number of USER(X) entries in the [Users] section of the PABX.INI file.
Note, that it is possible to mix and match combinations of users and extensions to the limit of available memory.
Used by: Client, Server.
Version 2.12.1 Onwards (replacing MonTelNumberFile)
Max length: 8 characters
SiteCostingSystemKey = "08938" ;Australian example.
This is the key used in the costing system to either partially or completely identify the location of the site for calculating the cost of telephone calls. The SiteCostingSystemKey is used to identify a Destination Number File is used by the MonTel server, and parts of the client to find the prefix of a number to determine the type and destination of a phone call. This is used to then calculate the rates that should be applied to a phone number.
SiteCostingSystemKey = "AS005" ;USA Example.
In the USA this will be a up to a 5 character mixed alpha numeric code, that is the "client abbreviation" for the coster, which together with the GenerationNumber makes up the base file name of the data files.
In Australia this will be the prefix of the main office telephone that identifies the geographic area of the local telephone exchange. This will vary from 4 to 7 (or more) digits, corresponding to the name of the .mnb file (without a leading 'n').
Used by: Client, Server.
Max length: 80 characters
LicensedApplications = ""
The LicensedApplications setting is provided so that that applications other than MonTel can be licensed while still using the same PABX.INI file. Generally if this field is blank then the site is licensed to use all Netwiz Applications that are licensed through the PABX.INI file. An alternative value is "MONTEL". Some less expensive applications are not licensed to use all the MonTel Applications For example "MANDIS".
In all cases the license key must have been generated to include this value. This value cannot be changed without changing the license key (which can only be done by Netwiz).
Used by: Client, Server.
Max length: 26 characters
Version 2.12.1 changed format
TimeLicenceExpires = "2008-03-31 23:30:00"
The TimeLicenceExpires value is provided at the time you purchase MonTel if applicable for a time expired demonstration key. This value cannot be changed without causing MonTel to fail on start up, and is linked to the other settings in this section.
It is the Date and time of end of the evaluation license period. This option needs to be blank of not present for a full licence.
The format is the 'space' version of the ISO8601 ("YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss"), replacing the 'T' with a space. However, the 'T" can still be included for this setting instead of a space. The example above, "2008-03-31 23:30:00", corresponds to March 31, 2008.
Prior to version 2.12.1 the format was an Australian date formatted to match: "hh:mm:ss DD/MM/YY".
Used by: Client, Server.
Must be: 8 characters
LicenceKey = "00000000"
The license key is provided at the time you purchase MonTel, or under some circumstances as a time expired demonstration key. This value cannot be changed without causing MonTel to fail on start up, and is linked to the other settings in this section. This needs to be entered exactly (including spacing and capitalisation) as on the Licence agreement. A completed licence key will be made available on an a Netwiz endorsed license.