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Setting file locations as the server sees it

Topic creation date: 2008-04-18

Setting file locations

These are the three types of folders as seen by the MonTel Server. Note that since the server is a service logging in in its own security context is will not see ANY drive mappings, so these must be unc paths.

If the 'Allow MonTel Server to create new user folders if needed' is checked, then MonTel Server will create a new user folder under the Users Directory when required (See also CreateNewUserDirectoryIfNeeded and CreateBlankCallRecordOnStartIfNeeded in reverence V2.12 PABX.INI file.)

You may want to have this unchecked if MonTel is writing directly to users personal folders as set by the Network operating system.

If the the wizard is unable to find the path you specify for either or both the MonTel Data Directory or the USers Directory (or folders) it will prompt you to attempt to create them.

Setting file locations new folders
