MonTel ServerSV (MonTel Server Service) reports memory violations or similar on start-up after re-install
This error seems to occur because the service control manager is expecting to call an address that is not longer present. The symptoms may vary, but might include a message box, or a hung service.
This might happen after an update or re-installation of MonTel with a more recent version. The solution is to un-install the MonTel Server Service and re-install it.
Make sure that the Service control panel applet is closed.
Open a DOS Box (console prompt) on the computer which will run the service in the MonTel Application directory and on the command line enter: "ServerSV REMOVE". After pressing return, wait until the process has completed (after about 10 seconds). Wait a few more seconds and then on a new line enter: "ServerSV INSTALL [Password]" where [Password] is the password for the specified account in the PABX.INI file (and without the square brackets).
There Server Service should now be re-installed. It can be restarted with SVCMAN. If the errors is still present please contact Netwiz support.
An automatic procedure for dealing with this issue will be introduced sometime in the future (incorporated in INSTMON).