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Used by: Client, Server.


The first part is just like any other section.

ShowExtHeader = "(DEPT)Department", "(FULL)Full Name", "(DES)Description", "(MOB)Mobile Phone", "(COY)Company", "(EMAIL)Email Address", "(DIR)Directory"
FullUserDetails = 1
ShowPrimaryExtensionsOnly = 0

The second part consisting of the entries USER1 to USERn are call LICENSED USER SLOTS.

USER1 = John, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
USER2 = Administrator, 260,(dir)Admini~1, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
USER3 = Local, 101, Users Directory, AdministratorOff, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)Recept
USER4 = ALICE, 242, (DEPT)Admin
USER5 = BOB, 243
USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"



Used by: Client, Server.


ShowExtHeader = "(DEPT)Department", "(FULL)Full Name", "(DES)Description", "(MOB)Mobile Phone", "(COY)Company", "(EMAIL)Email Address", "(DIR)Directory"

Used in Ext32 (Show Extensions Version 3) to display more information for each user.

This is a list of keys for entries in each user license slot. As a general term they will be referred to from here on in as Header Key(s).


Used by: Client, Server.

Max length: 32 characters


UserDefaults = ""

Used to set general defaults for all users where the item is not over ridden by a specific setting. Currently only a default group is supported.


Used by: Client, Server.


FullUserDetails = 1

Full User details will display all the header items. If it is 0 (unchecked) then only the User and the Extension will be displayed in Telephone Extension List (Ext32) . (This is for compatibility with Show Extension 2.0).


Used by: Client, Server.


ShowPrimaryExtensionsOnly = 0

Shows only the primary extension registered to the users detailed in NNN= where NNN is the User Name.

Show Primary extensions Only will display user details from only the first time they appear in the PABX.INI file, if they appear more than once. The lowest numeric license slot is assumed to be the first entry.


Used by: Client.



Don't display these users names in Telephone Extension List.

Ignore these users will prevent the corresponding user names being displayed in Telephone Extension List (Ext32) . Typically you might include "NONE, FAX, MODEM" to allow these users for general extensions to prevent errors in the MonTel server, but entries that you otherwise don't want displayed.


Used by: Client, Server.



If set to one, then instead of prompting for the User login screen which requires the previous importation or entry into the employees database, MonTel will add details from each users setting below into the Employee section of the ClientDB and auto register the user.


Used by: EdIni.


Save16BitExt2UserInformation = 0

This entry is only relevant if you are testing the 32bit version, and still need to save the information for the 16 bit version of Ext216.EXE.

This will force the user information to be saved in a 3rd section the PABX.INI file like this:

John = 99, "Linklater, John", "Monitor Business Machines", "Installer"
NAMEMORETHAN8 = 227, "NameMoreThan8, DOS Server", "MonTel Group", "Supervisor"
LOCAL = 101, "USER3, Local", "Demo Company Pty Ltd", "unknown"
ALICE = 242, "Smith, Alice", "Demo Company Pty Ltd", "Senior"
BOB = 243, "Smith, Bob", "Demo Company Pty Ltd", "Senior"

If this information exists then this setting will default to 1 (or checked). Un check this is you are running the 32 bit version, and not using any 16bit MonTel programs.


Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

User details: As each line must be unique, each entry key User has a digit from 1 to the NumberOfUsersAndExtensions in the licence section. There must be a name and extension number and can optionally be followed by any of the following core settings used by MonTel:

(DIR)dddd, (FULL)fffff, (CODE)ccccc, (PIN)ppppp, (DEPT)ttttt, SaveDataOff, ReceptionOn, AdministratorOn, or GROUPKEY.

Each one of these is described separately.

In addition there can be any number of extra settings used by the Telephone Extension List Program.

Typically these might be:

"(MOB) Mobile phone number", "(EMAIL) Email Address", "(DES) Staff position description" or some other key.

Here are some examples of various users settings:



User = Janice,9,ReceptionOn
The user Janice has full access rights to see all calls.
User = david,242,EmailOn,ReceptionOn
The user David has full access rights and receives E-Mails.
User = david,255
The user David also uses this number for a another direct line (242) above.
User = Janice,255
The user Janice all receives information about calls to and from extension 255.
User12 = David, 242, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
Example user from above.
Example of long user name on a Netware Server.
USER173 = DAVIDMORRIS, 242, NETWIZ, (dir)Davidmo~1
Example of long user name on a Microsoft Windows Server.

Users Login Name

Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

The Login name shown in bold in the example above is the name of the user as seen by both the MonTel server and client. This name can also be filtered from a full context in NDS or NT. In most networks this is also the name of the users home directory as seen by the server. (This can be over ridden by the (DIR) key.

The user name is case sensitive on many networks. Generally users names should be less than 8 characters. MonTel can handle users names of more than 8 characters. If so a (DIR) entry and the DOS name of the users home directory is required. Like wise user names with unusual characters such as spaces will also require a (DIR) entry.

The Login name entry must always be the first in the list.


Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

The extension to be associated with the user (in the example marked in bold). This entry must always be second. In theory this may be some characters rather than a number, however generally this is the extension number of 4 or less characters

(DIR) Users Home Directory

Used by: Client, Server.



Use as (DIR)xxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx is a directory on the file server that has 8 or character that will be used instead of a longer user name. This is because the MonTel server is a DOS program and is unable to read long file names or directories.

Typically xxxxxxx is the users Home Directory, though it may be another directory specified by MonTel in the [Directory] section of the PABX.INI file. You must use (DIR) if the user name is longer than 8 characters. It should be the same as DOS will see a long directory name.

(FULL) Full Users name

Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

"(FULL) Full Users name". The full users name to auto add into the Employee database. If editing the INI file manually don't forget to put quotes around the the whole entry. (This is not required if using EdIni32 or EdUser32.)

(CODE) Users Employee, Payroll or ID code

Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

(CODE) Users Employee, Payroll or ID code. This is to be the key for the Employee in the client database, and is required if MonTel is to automatically add the user the the master client database.

(PIN) Monitor Pin Number for this user

Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

(PIN) Monitor Pin Number for this user. Not recommended as this file is visible to ALL users. However, it will allow the Auto addition of the Monitor Pin number in systems that use Monex32.

(DEPT) Users Department

Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

"(Dept) Users Department". Used by ServerAutoExport as well as the clients. This overrides other department settings for this user. Max 31 characters. If editing the INI file manually don't forget to put quotes around the the whole entry. The Quotes are not required for ONE word Department codes. (This is not required if using EdIni32 or EdUser32.)


Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = FAX, 200, SaveDataOff

SaveDataOff means that no user data will be saved in the user's home directory. It also prevents error messages for extensions that don't have users, such as a fax or modem line, or perhaps a phone in a board room or interview room.


Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

AdministratorOn grants the user full access to the main client data file for access as well as other functions such as import and export. It is important that this access only be given to those who need it. The receptionist, and in the early days the system administrator.


Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris"

ReceptionOn grants the user full access to the main data file. It is important that this access only be given to those who need it. The receptionist, and in the early days the system administrator. Please note: The file "PABX.INI" should be in a read only directory (it should be in the same directory as the application files) to prevent users from changing their access rights. This way the tightness of the security depends on the overall security of the network system, and not on the application. Network security is well documented and should be understood before installing this program.

Group key (in License slot)

Used by: Client, Server.


USER6 = David, 99, AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn, (DEPT)DEVELOPMENT, (CODE)TEST124, (PIN)008, "(FULL)Mr David Morris", FS1

FS1 can be any group in the [Group] section. For example XXXXXX is a group. The settings in the [Groups] section for XXXXXX will then override the settings specified in other sections. (These are special settings that must be legal values in the group section - or else they will be ignored). In this case the example might look like:

USER7 = Brad, 277, (CODE)TEST456, XXXXXX
