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How to make MonTel or Notify automatically restart after an Admin shut down.

This topic applies to MonTel Client Version 2.3 beta onwards.

You can restart MonTel or Notify automatically on each users computer, providing that they had MonTel or Notify running at the time you set AllowOnlyAdminToUseMontel = 1 (or 2).

This feature is enabled by setting MonTelAutoRestart = 1 in the [Program] section of the PABX.INI file (The default if not present is 0), and specify the program to be restarted in MonTelDefaultClientProgram. For Example: if MonTelAutoRestart = 1 and MonTelDefaultClientProgram = "Noftify32.exe", then when AllowOnlyAdminToUseMontel is changed to 0 (from 1 or 2) then Noftiy32.exe will start on all user's machine.

How it works:

When the user exits either MonTel or Notify a small (~100k) program called RESTART.EXE is started. It does not have a window or icon, and is so small the user should be completely unaware that it is running. And to control or minimise network Traffic "RESTART.EXE" only checks that PABX.INI file, once when it starts (so it can be used as an auto MonTel start up), and then every NumberOfDataRefreshesToCheckIni x MontelDataRefresh seconds. When AllowOnlyAdminToUseMontel is found to be 0, it will start MonTelDefaultClientProgram and exit.

NumberOfDataRefreshesToCheckIni and MontelDataRefresh are settings in the [Program] section of the PABX.INI file that are also used by other parts of MonTel, by the server to see if the INI file has changed and by MonTel or Notify to check if AllowOnlyAdminToUseMontel = 1 (or 2).
