To set up users you should use the provided free editor called EdUser32 (http://www.netwiz.com.au/ext32.html) or EdIni32 (which can edit all sections of the PABX.INI file), or edit the file manually. To edit it manually follow the instructions below...
Use a text editor, such as Notepad to edit the file called PABX.INI. It is important that the file is save in a standard text format, Therefore Notepad is recommended over your word processor.
This needs to be done by the system administrator, or the person that looks after the computer network. The task is simple and requires no great computer knowledge. If there is not an existing PABX.INI file, you will need to create one from scratch. This can be done inside EdUser, or you can copy the sample PABX.INI file from the sample sub directory, which you can use to make sure that yours is in the correct format.
The PABX.INI file is similar to windows configuration files. It has a section called users (a section title is in square brackets) and some entries. Each of these entries has a key and a value. The key is always on the left, and the value is always to the right of the equals sign.
You can elect to Show Primary Extensions Only (in some situations a person may have more than one extension), and Full User Details which would include their full name, department and position as well as their login name and extension. To select either of these options, make them = 1, or to turn any of these options off make them = 0. The default if they are not present is 0. Then add each user's login name, from USER1 to USERn where each user has a login name and an extension separated by a comma.
Following is a sample, showing the departments section and Users:
(For clarity, some of the information that follows is likely to flow onto several lines, where it is in fact entered into only one line.)
Departments = "NETWIZ", "AUDIT", "TAX"
DisplayDepartmentName = 1
DefaultDepartmentCode = TAX
NETWIZ.Name = "Netwiz"
AUDIT.Name = "Corporate Services"
TAX.Name = "Business Services"
(see below)
ShowExtHeader = "(DEPT)Department", "(FULL)Full Name", "(DES)Description", "(MOB)Mobile Phone", "(COY)Company", "(EMAIL)Email Address", "(DIR)Directory"
AutoSetupEmployeeDetails = 0
FullUserDetails = 1
ShowPrimaryExtensionsOnly = 1
IgnoreTheseUsers = "FAX"
USER1 = DORA, 243, "(DEPT)AUDIT", "(FULL)Smith, Dora", "(DES)Manager"
USER2 = DAVID, 242, "(DEPT)NETWIZ", "(FULL)Morris, David", AdministratorOn, ReceptionOn
USER3 = DORA, 245
USER4 = DICK, 243, "(DEPT)TAX", "(FULL)Smith, Dick", "(DES)Staff", FS1
The User Section is the key section, and so we will deal with that first.
To change the columns displayed, edit the ShowExtHeader entry, deleting or adding header items. Each item should be surrounded by quotes, and separated by a coma. There are two parts to each item; a key in brackets, and a name immediately following inside the quotes. The Key is used to identify which column a detail supplied in a user entry should appear.
There are two permanent header items. These are: (USER)UserName and (EXT)Extension which need not be detailed in the ShowExtHeader entry. All the others are optional. However, "(DEPT)Department", "(FULL)Full Name""(DES)Description" and "(DIR)Directory" have special properties.
If you are using MonTel be careful about the (DIR) entry, as this is the entry that changes the name of the users home directory from a long name to a short DOS name if the users name is two long.
Now add the user details. Ext32 will support user numbers from 1 to 1023. MonTel, however has limits depending on the number of licenses acquired by your firm. Add the Login name, the extension in any combination. If ShowPrimaryExtensionsOnly = 1 then Ext32 will display only the first entry for that user name. (MonTel system allows users to collect phone call information from a number of extensions, or for users to share extensions). Then add the key items, where the keys match those of the ShowExtHeader entry.
In this example "Dora Smith" has a login name "DORA", and he has two extensions, (one is for her modem line). Her primary extension is 243, her department is Audit and she is a Manager.
(The Ignore These Users ( IgnoreTheseUsers. ) setting is relevant for MonTel users who may wish to have certain extensions not appear in the Telephone Extension List (Ext32) listing.
FullUserDetails = 0 will show only the two permanent header items (User Name and Extension)
AutoSetupEmployeeDetails = 1 is used by MonTel to automatically add users to the client database from the PABX.INI file. In this case you must also specify the special key of "(CODE)12345" where 12345 is the employee or payroll code of that user, and in systems linked to Monitor Business Machines (PIN)1234 where 1234 is the monitor supplied pin number.
Note that a (DEPT) code in a user entry will override a default (including a server department) as you would expect.
The [Departments] section is even easier.
Add an entry for each department code you want to user, separated by commas (the quotes are optional) in the item called Departments. You can have up to 64 departments.
If you want to display a department name rather than a code make sure the entry DisplayDepartmentName = 1. Then for each of the department codes, add an item of the code, with ".Name" appended, and the department name inside quotes like this example: NETWIZ.Name = "Netwiz".
To specify a default department, so you don't have to add, say, (DEPT)TAX for each user, specify a DefaultDepartmentCode like this: DefaultDepartmentCode = TAX.
The [Servers] section is useful for larger sites that have departmental servers, volumes or store user directories in different directories.
Instead of a department key, add the name of a server as a separate entry (on its own) separated by a comma from other entries. In the example above DICK has his details stored on FS1, and takes his parameters from there - including the department. e.g.: USER4 = DICK, 243, "(DEPT)TAX", "(FULL)Smith, Dick", "(DES)Staff", FS1
Unless you are using MonTel, the Department field is the only one that is relevant in the Servers section. The others are there for use in both the MonTel Client and Server, allowing one montel server to operate with Multiple file servers or users store on different volumes on the same or multiple servers. You can have up to 16 different sever entries.
The server entries are handled in a similar fashion to the departments section. The servers are listed like this; Servers = LOCAL, FS1. Each server entry is then treated as part of a key to identify values that are associated with each server entry.
The only one used by Ext32 is SERVER.ServerDefaultDepartment. The others are important though for MonTel, and should not be changed with out careful consideration in MonTel Systems.
In the example that follows there are two sample servers one called local, and one called FS1.
Servers = LOCAL, FS1
ServerDefault = LOCAL
LOCAL.ServerDefaultDepartment = "TAX"
LOCAL.UserAddsUserNameToPath = "1"
LOCAL.UserHomeDirTruncatedTo = "0"
LOCAL.NetworkOperatingSystem = "Windows NT"
LOCAL.CreateNewUserDirectoryIfNeeded = "1"
FS1.ServerDefaultDepartment = "AUDIT"
FS1.UsersHomePath = "P:\MONTEL\DEMO\USERS"
FS1.UserAddsUserNameToPath = "1"
FS1.UserHomeDirTruncatedTo = "0"
FS1.NetworkOperatingSystem = "Netware 3.12"
FS1.MainDataPath = "I:\MONTEL\DEMO\MAIN"
FS1.CreateNewUserDirectoryIfNeeded = "0"
FS1.OutputUsersPath = "O:\MONTEL\DEMO\USERS"
Both the Servers and the Department sections are optional.